Enphase Energized AC Modules

14 November 2017 by
Enphase Energized AC Modules
AC Solar Warehouse Pty Ltd, Rob Birchall

It’s widely understood that solar power systems utilising micro inverters are safer, produce more energy, have greater reliability and are easier to design and install than traditional string inverter systems.

And the good news is they are about to become even easier to use with the introduction of the new Enphase Energized AC Modules.

Enphase Energy has teamed up with Jinko Solar to develop the Jinko Eagle AC module.

This is an exciting combination from the world’s largest solar module manufacturer and the world’s largest micro inverter manufacturer.

The Jinko Eagle AC solar module incorporates the latest generation Enphase IQ micro inverter factory-mounted to the back sheet of the solar module. The new innovative inverter bracket design allows the inverter to sit adjacent to the back sheet during transport and then simply raises the inverter away from the back sheet during installation. This allows the AC solar modules to be packaged the same way as existing DC solar modules while providing an air gap between the solar module and the micro inverter for improved cooling once installed.

Having the micro inverter factory-mounted to the solar module means there are fewer components to stock, transport, carry and install. Performance testing of the solar module and inverter combined occurs prior to shipping improving reliability and there is a single point of contact for any warranty replacements.

Designing solar systems using AC Solar modules is very easy and maximises the energy harvest for all installations. AC Solar modules can be easily added to existing solar systems because each solar module operates independently. New modules can be added to existing arrays without having to match modules specifications.

Key Benefits

Faster Installation & Simple Logistics Factory back sheet integrated microinverter reduces installation time and allows for fewer components to stock, transport, and carry on roof

High Performance High module conversion efficiency due to PERC and AC architecture

User Friendly Single warranty backed by Jinko Solar, technical support call centre, and web-based module-level monitoring with integrated asset tracking

Easy O&M Microinverter can be replaced in the field without changing the DC module

Expanded Deployment Options Flexible for complex roofs, partial shading, small systems, and system expandability; design to your roof not the string inverter

Strength and Durability Certified for high snow (5400Pa) and wind (2400Pa) loads

Save time | Improve quality | Save money




Available in Australia from AC Solar Warehouse in Q2 2018.