Solar 2014 wraps up

13 May 2014 by
Solar 2014 wraps up
AC Solar Warehouse Pty Ltd, Rob Birchall

It was great to see so many familiar faces at Solar 2014 in Melbourne last week. Thanks to everyone who dropped by and said hi. We had Australia’s widest range of AC Solar equipment on display and it was great to receive feedback from everyone on their experiences with the various products.

We were run off our feet for 2 days but really enjoyed the opportunity to chat to our existing customers and talk microinverters and AC modules with hundreds of interested installers and solar industry participants.

Our fantastic Enphase fibreglass esky was won by Rowan Doyle of the Sustainable Renewable Energy Company in Melbourne. Thanks to Enphase for donating the great prize and congratulations Rowan – there was certainly plenty of people hoping to see their name come out of the hat!

Our next trade show this year will be in Sydney at Clean Energy Week. We are already looking forward to the opportunity to spend another week out of the office talking to installers and helping people understand and take advantage of the many benefits of AC Solar technology.