Eliminate DC Isolator failures

22 May 2014 by
Eliminate DC Isolator failures
AC Solar Warehouse Pty Ltd, Rob Birchall

In recent months the solar industry in Australia has been rocked by recalls of DC Isolators by several major manufacturers. Since the beginning of 2014 DC Isolators supplied by Avanco, DKSH, and NHP have been the subject of national product recalls. These devices, found in all conventional DC (string) solar systems, have been linked to multiple fires on homes and commercial premises. More information on these product recalls can be found here.

These product recalls serve as a reminder that no matter how much care is taken in the installation of conventional DC solar systems, the inherent risks associated with high DC voltages and currents can not be totally eliminated, and even the most reputable solar installation companies are still exposed to substantial risks when using this technology.

AC Solar systems operate at extra low DC voltage (typically less than 45 volts) and do not require the use of DC Isolators – eliminating the risk of fires due to high voltage DC circuit faults. This is one of the key factors leading to the widespread adoption of AC Solar technology around the world. If you are interested in finding our more about the benefits of AC Solar technology talk to one of our friendly staff on 1300 55 44 67.